Home Forums BikeMeet Cafe OLD NAME & PASSWORD???

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    Just wondering how I retrievew my old name and password? I can’t even seem to find a way to contact the staff, moderators, or administrators on this site. Are there any links to contact these people? It is probbly very visible and I am too old and blind to see it…so I need some help please.

    Anyway I tried to login with my old name and password. Hopefully it was the same one I use on all my other bike sites. Would not work…says there is a problem. So I click the link that says…..forgot your password. Did not work either. Said my email wasn’t recognized or something like that. So I finally figured out that I would just have to register as a new user in order to contact someone who can help me get my old name back. I welcome any feedback please.

    DENVERUFO (aka CajunCruiser)


    Welcome back. Sorry about the contact issues. Just send a PM to member Imperial Data as he is the chap who runs the site

    Radar (Moderator)


    PM sent with login details.

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