Intensive 2 – Levi’s diary

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    The f**ker got me on 2 things…

    Undue hesitation… made a school boy error… at a mini round about I was waiting for the traffic on my left to move off… DOH! f**ker!!

    Second was my positioning, apparently I was too close to the middle lines…

    one minute I;m too close, next it’s too far!! you can’t win with the picky f**kers!


    Never mind Levi – you will do it next time – have you booked your retest yet?


    Going to ring tomorrow and get it re-booked ASAP
    Also since I didn’t pass it cuts the cost of training down by at least half!
    So I just pay for bike hire :)
    So I can do a few lessons before my test, which is nice!

    Still I didn’t like the fact I had to ride home on my own!
    Almost got a bit lost coming back into Leeds, never went the way I did before, I’m sure I hit a small section of motorway… loads of blue signs everywhere… eeep
    But the blue signs also had green ones for A roads… so maybe I was just.. on the road to the motorway… bloody L plates making me nervous!

    I’m useless at finding my way about…


    I just checked and the roads I used were not motorways, all A roads (A64)

    So it seems my navigation skills aren’t as bad as i thought lol [:D]


    Better luck next time mate.



    Originally posted by imperialdata

    Better luck next time mate.

    Cheers fella [:)]

    I’m sure I’ll crack it next time!
    Just hope I don’t f**k the next u-turn up! [:(]


    Wishing you the best of luck Lev! really want you to pass Lol! :)



    Originally posted by barmy_carmy

    Wishing you the best of luck Lev! really want you to pass Lol! :)

    Me too Carm’ me too [:)]

    Riding is just getting to be fun, I’m not going to let this stop me, not now. Not now that I know how utterly cool it is riding a bike!

    Not now that I know know the fear and excitement of going around a round-about with the bike banked over! or waiting to the apex of a corner to bank the bike over to get that rush! It’s bloody fantastic!

    I’m calling the school tomorrow sorting out a lesson or 2 and my next test.

    I WILL get my positioning sorted out!
    The roundabout thing was just a f**kin’ fluke!

    Speed Monster

    Unlucky Levi! Better luck next time! For future reference, DO NOT HESITATE!! The only time hesitation will save you is when pulling out to over take…obviously you don’t pull out until you are 100% sure the road ahead is clear! Once you have decided upon a course of action on the road, act upon it!!



    Originally posted by Fast Enough

    Unlucky Levi! Better luck next time! For future reference, DO NOT HESITATE!! The only time hesitation will save you is when pulling out to over take…obviously you don’t pull out until you are 100% sure the road ahead is clear! Once you have decided upon a course of action on the road, act upon it!!

    Good advice there fella [:)]

    Laps of focus and it got me a fail :(
    damn heat! lol

    Thanks for the well-wishing boys and girls, it’s much appreciated! :)


    Bad luck bud, stick with it!


    I will do fella!
    Cheers for the support :)

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