I Wonder, is this a true story

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    Taken from the March issue of RPM a Midlands based free Bikers Magazine :

    Top This For A Speeding Ticket…

    Two British traffic patrol officers from North Berwick, east of Edinburgh, were involved in an unusual incident, while checking for speeding motorists on the A1 Great North Road.
    One of the officers (who are not named) used a hand-held radar device to check the speed of a vehicle approaching over the crest of a hill,and was surprised when the speed was recorded at over 300mph. The machine then stopped working and the officers were unable to reset it.
    The radar had in fact locked on to a NATO Tornado fighter jet over the North Sea, which was engaged in a low-flying exercise over the Borders district.
    Back at police headquarters the chief constable fired off a stiff complaint to the RAF Liaison office.
    Back came the reply in true RAF laconic style. “Thank you for your message, which allows us to complete the file on this incident. You may be interested to know that the tactical computer in the Tornado had automatically locked on to your ‘hostile radar equipment’ and sent a jamming signal back to it. Furthermore,the Sidewinder air-to-ground missiles aboard the fully-armed aircraft had also locked on to the target. Fortunately the Dutch pilot flying the Tornado responded to the missile status alert intelligently and was able to override the automatic protection system before the missile was launched”

    As I said, I wonder, is this a true story [?]


    Great story,sounds true enough.


    I have got a Dutch mate, he hates speed cameras; he would of fired!



    Originally posted by Radar

    I have got a Dutch mate, he hates speed cameras; he would of fired!

    Wondered if your mate is a secret member of the Tuf Tuf Club[?] (as mentioned elseware on the forum)Strange chioce of names Tuf Tuf Club, I recall being a member of the Tufty Club, likewise it was all about road safety issues, but with a SLIGHTLY different slant on ways to approach the issue[:)] To say the least!!! Just maybe Tufty has grown up and moved to Holland[:D]


    Never did like speed cameras, and not too fond of plod either. Given the arsenal and technology available on the ‘plane I would have happily let rip a missile just for the heck of it.

    (Said Gordy, after gathering six points in the last six months!)

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