Head Gasket Replaced…?

Home Forums Motorcycle help wanted Head Gasket Replaced…?

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    I have an aprilia mx50 liquid cooled 2stroke bike. About 2 weeks ago i tryed to start my bike in the morning and it didnt so i tryed bump startin it and some of my cooling fluid sprayed out the cylinder so i immediatly knew my head gasket and/or outer o-ring had gone. I just got the part 2day and drained all of the liquid out of the radiator and used a air blower to blow out the cylinder. i then fitted the gaskets no problem, added a tad bit of petrol and oil into the cylinder and its not igniting…. any ideas please??? i took the spark plug out and it is sparking when its touching any conductor.


    how did the bike run on your previous ride before this?


    it ran probally just better than ever, i suspect this was due to water leaking into the cylinder slowly and causing more compression and when i stopped the water built up during the night.


    Hi Ryan its been years since I had 2 strokes, but I wonder, as you said the bike was running well and water MAY have got into the Cylinder, if that was the case then it MAY also have collected inside the crankcases. If so 2 strokes USED to have bolts that acted as drain plugs for the crankcases, see if yours has, and if so remove them and see if any water drains out. Baring this suggestion I cannot think what else it could be. I take it that the fuel tap is ON and fuel is getting through to the cylinder and the battery has enough charge to turn the engine over quick enough to fire up. By the way welcome to The Bike Forum!


    I have had a look and it apears that it does not have a crankcase drain (unless i really am blind), the petrol is coming through and so is the 2 stroke (even tho that doesnt help with ignition but they are both coming through) i have tyred using a quick fire spray in the air intake hoping if theres just a bit of water it will burn it up, but it is still not firing, battery is fully charged (just replaced couple weeks ago during MOT). I have a funny feeling water is in the crankcase etc, as the bike was left standing doing nothing for 2 weeks while waiting for the part. What do you think? and if there isnt a drain plug, how else do i drain it?
    thanks for you help and suggestions.


    if no drain then I may be wrong but I think you gonna have to strip the head, remove the barrel and piston then try and soak up any water with a sponge or syringe

    GSF K1

    Possible to remove a side cover off the engine?


    Another idea would be to remove the carb, turn the engine over until the piston is at the top of the cylinder exposing the cut outs windows at the back of the piston then insert some flexible tube (something like battery breather tube softened by soaking with hot water) and giving it a good ferret about down into the crankcases to suck out any coolant. If that doesnt work I would say do as pete247 suggests and remove the head and barrel to gain entry to the bottom end . Good luck.

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