Government Admits Use Of Hidden Mobile Scamera’s

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    A government document has revealed the police admit to using covert (hidden) speed cameras as a means of raising cash from the motorist.

    Most ‘speed camera spotters’ work on GPS system whereby the motorist is advised of where speed cameras are by satellite. GPS types of speed camera detectors cannot pick up a hidden mobile camera, such as the policeman in the van or the officer with his hand held laser or radar gun. The government say they are willing to let this type of device remain legal.

    The government do want to ban radar detectors that can detect both mobile and static Gatso cameras as well as police laser guns. The document reveals the police to say this type of device can seriously affect their ability to enforce speed limits.

    The supplier of the Quintezz radar detector that is able to detect hidden cameras is taking action to prevent the government from banning their device. Mark Cornwall of Car Parts Direct, the mail order specialist that supply the unit claims to have secured an internal government document to prove the actions of the police are based on greed – not road safety.

    Cornwall claims their product has been targeted because of its effectiveness against mobile cameras. Car Parts Direct is so confident of their product they even offer a £60 cash-back if a motorist receives a speeding fine while their £199 Quintezz XT 7000 radar detector is fitted – fitting the unit takes just a couple of minutes.

    Cornwall said “I have a document sent to me from my MP, Mr Harry Barnes. The document confirms what most of our customers already know. Cameras are for cash and a policeman hidden behind a tree has become acceptable practice – the police now admit to carrying out “covert camera activity” and “cost recovery” as part of their normal traffic duties. Without our device the motorist has no chance.”

    Both Car Parts Direct and road safety expert Paul Smith who operates the UK’s leading motorist safety website have always maintained that a radar detector does exactly what a speed camera is supposed to do – it helps to keep a motorist within the law.

    Cornwall added. “Whilst we have stock of the Quintezz radar detector at the moment we don’t know for how long. If the government get their way no motorist will be able to buy our speed camera spotter – at any price.”

    Car Parts Direct has published the action they intend to take against the government on their website. Action includes continuing to pay the £60 speeding fine cash-back and claiming £100 compensation from the government for motorists that use their speed camera detection device. Car Parts Direct is collating stories from motorists who believe they have become victims by the unreasonable use of speed cameras. Cornwall added: “The stories from motorists posted on our website will be used along with documented evidence to claim compensation for the motorist in the European Court of Human Rights.”

    Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.



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