Motoring: Doncaster council launches pace car scheme
24 Jan 06 15:53
Doncaster Council is to launch a ‘pace car’ scheme in an attempt to slow down traffic on the borough’s roads.
In track-based motorsport, a pace car is driven by an official around the track, usually following an accident or fuel spillage. It sets a ‘safe pace’ until the hazard is cleared.
The Community Pace Car Scheme is outlined on Doncaster council’s website. It invites members of the public to perform ‘a mobile traffic calming role, keeping the overall speed of traffic following you at the speed limit.’ Drivers will be registered with the council’s Public Safety Unit and will receive a sticker to put in their car window.
‘All you have to do is obey the law and make a commitment to drive at or below the speed limit for the road you are driving on.’
Isn’t that what all drivers should, by law, be doing anyway? The scheme hardly seems a substitute for proper enforcement