Comic Relief…anti-bikers?

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    Considering all the charity work biking groups and individuals undertake, this is pretty awful if true


    Its not very positive is it, and totally wrong mentality to state that “Comic Relief should not be associating itself with bikers”

    After reading that I really lost what little interest I had in the Comic Relief charity, how much work do bikers do for charities, and I mean that on top of the bike related charities! absolutely disgusting! Am not gonna donate to Comic Relief ever again unless they see what they are insinuating with that comment! :@


    I’ve just sent a complaint to Comc Relief:

    Stating that I will boycott the charity and will suggest all the members of the forums I frequent do the same!



    Originally posted by Pete247

    I’ve just sent a complaint to Comc Relief:

    Stating that I will boycott the charity and will suggest all the members of the forums I frequent do the same!

    I have also sent an email of complaint to Comic Relief and requested an apology, a retraction of the comments and an acknowledgement of the good work many bikers undertake for a wide range of charities


    Not all is at it seems

    Still be interesting to see what the feedback is…


    Am still waiting to hear back from my email. Wonder if the stories will contradict each other?


    The resonse I received:

    Thank you for your email regarding your concerns about the National Association for Bikers with a Disability film.

    The filming of the work of the NABD took place some time ago and was for a piece for the Red Nose Day show at that time.

    Comic Relief is proud to have been a long time supporter of disabled people in their fight for equal rights and over a 10 year period committed £17.5 million to support disability projects throughout the UK. We have always tried to portray disabled people positively.

    Sometimes difficult decisions about what to include on the night have to be made. These decisions are often made because of time limitations and to ensure a mix of issues, locations and types of activity. We support so many issues; sadly we can’t include everything.

    Emma Freud is a long time supporter of Comic Relief and has worked tirelessly to help us raise millions of pounds and we are incredibly grateful for her support. She does not get involved in editorial decisions and had nothing to do with the decision not to include this film on the night.

    We have written to Mr Hulse outlining our commitment to disability projects throughout the UK and apologising to those who felt they had a cold and wasted day.

    With best wishes,

    Jenny West

    Planning and Internal Communication Manager


    Where there is smoke there is fire….

    Rick Hulse will be well aware of the damage that making false allegations can do to the NABD….

    Could it be a case of a large corporation covering its own ass….


    I got this reply earlier after getting the blanket email that Radar has posted:


    Dear Pete,

    The quote on the website is not a direct quote and we have been saddened to read the posts that suggest that we would discriminate against bikers. Comic Relief has a strong commitment to equality and diversity, demonstrable through both the way we manage our own organisation and through the grants that we make.

    As I outlined in my previous email Emma Freud has worked tirelessly to help Comic Relief raise millions of pounds and we are incredibly grateful for her support. She does not have editorial responsibility and had nothing to do with the decision not to include this film on the night.

    With best wishes,



    They never really denied anything, or apologised. I donated anyway, but it saddens me that norrow minded views still exist. The way of the world I suppose


    It is sad, especially when events like Comic Relief are concerned. Hopefully now if the original quote was true the lesson has been absorbed by the organisers and they will at least appear more open minded and appreciate just how much work for charity bikers do and are prepared to do!

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