Cameras outside Schools…

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    At the end of the day! This is where they should be!

    DRIVERS would back speed cameras and go-slow zones around schools, it was claimed today.

    A staggering eight out of 10 motorists support speed traps right outside schools to protect pupils, according to a survey by Huddersfield-based road safety charity Brake.

    And 90% want to see 20mph zones enforced in the surrounding streets.

    The figures were released today to coincide with the start of the Watch Out There’s a Kid About campaign.

    Brake conducted the survey along with Green Flag Motoring Assistance.

    The results mirror findings from a survey of children last year.

    Back then, three-quarters of youngsters questioned by Brake said they, too, wanted more speed cameras outside their school.

    About 70% thought driv- ers should go slower near schools and nearly as many wanted drivers to slow down near their house.

    Traffic is the biggest killer of children aged between 12 and 16 in the country.

    Although last week’s official road casualty figures showed a drop in child deaths and serious injuries in 2003, Britain still has one of the worst child pedestrian death rates in western Europe.

    In 2002, 179 children were killed and 4,417 seriously injured on the country’s roads.

    Speaking in London at the launch of the campaign, Brake chief executive Mary Williams said: “Brake is urging local communities to shout out about dangerous roads near their schools, parks, homes and shops.

    “Children have the right to walk and cycle in their local area without being knocked down – and they must be protected from speeding and dangerous drivers.”

    Brake representatives later joined MPs and health and road safety professionals at an all-party Parliamentary meeting to call for a host of measures to make streets safer for children.

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

    Please note that some of the comments and articles posted may not represent my views or the views of FORUM99 and its moderators.



    The best place for speed cameras! I also get wound up by people parking their cars on the zig zag lines outside schools. Our local infant school has a crossing right outside the school gates and people are always parking across it. We have treid to get some sort of enforcement but the closest we got was the police coming out once and putting a note on the windscreen wipers warning of prosecution. The police did not return and needless to say the situation has not improved. Maybe we should point out what a potential money earner all those parking tickets are! Maybe that would get their attention!

    The roads are my race track!!


    Potential earner.. You have probably hit it on the head there Gix. Why not give it a whirl

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

    Please note that some of the comments and articles posted may not represent my views or the views of FORUM99 and its moderators.


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