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  • #12590

    Glad I aint out on bike today! Had to physically hold the kids up walking (well we ran actually in the end lol) to school cos the wind blew the little un over, and it frightened the living daylights outta them! Not seen wind this bad since 1989/’90 [:0]

    GSF K1

    Gix.. do ya remember the infamous hurricane of 87??

    Twas the weekend before going to collect my first bike.. the roads between Hatfield and Hemel Hempstead were blocked with felled trees, my old man was not impressed!


    sid remembers the stiff breeze in 1947


    wasnt that one of your farts?



    Originally posted by GSF K1

    Gix.. do ya remember the infamous hurricane of 87??

    Twas the weekend before going to collect my first bike.. the roads between Hatfield and Hemel Hempstead were blocked with felled trees, my old man was not impressed!

    You mean the hurricane Michael Fish said wouldnt come near us? That was the October 89, the winter I am on about in first post, I know it was that year cos it was my first winter working with the race horses, we lost the roof off one of the stable blocks, couldnt have been any earlier than that cos I didnt leave school till 1989….


    Sorry Gix it was 1987. You must be thinking of another big storm


    Aye there may well have been the winds in 1987, but the ones I was remembering was after I left school, IIRC the 1987 was a full blown “hurrican” that cut across the south and up here we got the edge bit, they knew it was coming but didnt warn us of the extent, and they said it would stay in the channel (it didnt, it came across the south of britain), I dont remember much about the time of that one, cos every year was the same so far as “routine” was concerned, I remember 1989 storm because it was first year of working full time, and the stable roof flew off and landed infront of a car in the lanes, the driver was well shook up and my boss let him weather the worst of the storm in the farm house, was too dangerous to be driving with flying roofs lol plus we couldnt get the roof off the road till we could get the tractor out safely.

    GSF K1

    Well it looks like tomorrow morning will see more of it.. typical I have to drive to the airport!

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