Blac Rabbit, Arundel

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  • #12229

    Anyone fancy goin for a spin this weekend, could do lunch at the pub then head to Bury Hill, Box Hill and home, not necessaraly in that order????


    Sounds good Pete and cheers for the invite

    Two problems

    1. I have already agreed to go watch Grasstrack racing with Kat, looks if you fancy it BTW.
    2. I have to work Sunday so can’t do either (Boo hiss!)

    Anyway enjoy the ride and let us know how you get on!

    PS. How is the gearbox now???


    The gearbox is great now, I’ve not done nout to it…. just stopped using the clutch on upchanges. Neautral, first and second either going up or down are spot on.

    I’ll be thinkin of you on Sunday. I still got to get to Scotland Sunday night though so its not all play time for Pete. Have fun at the grasstrack racing buddy!


    Cheers Pete, can’t go to the Grass track racing either as I have to work! Boo hiss!

    Have a good trip back

    Glad the box is getting better!

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