Bike Story 3 – a Joint adventure

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    Everybody do a couple of sentances each at time and let see where this leads us. We had fun with this before…

    I will kick it off…

    It was a crisp autumn day and the sun had finally burn’t through the mist that had hung over the town alll morning. Time to go for a ride…


    The paint work glistened, and the pipes sparkled in the morning light as the bike emerged from the garage of slumber.
    The leathers & lid felt snug and reassuring. The route was unplanned, but the winding road was beckoning. Time to awake the beast.
    Time for the off…


    She starts first time with a little choke. Revs build up to 3000rpm as I mounted her in anticipation, a tingling throb between my legs just like……..

    GSF K1

    being a child once more at the sweet shop with a fresh pound coin in pocket.. burning to be spent.
    With engine warming, and birds chirping in the trees….


    I pulled the clutch in, kicked her into first, gave her full throttle and dumped the clutch…..the bike lurched into the air and screamed off down the road on its back wheel; for a laugh I thought what the hell and decided to ride to China on my back wheel……..


    After an hour of such tomfoolerry I crashed…what do i do now??


    … and then I woke up and realised that riding to China on my back wheel was a silly idea after all. I stretched and rubbed the sleep from my eyes as the sun peeped cheerily through the curtains.

    And so, an hour after breakfast I was sitting astride my recently serviced pride-and-joy, and decided to go for a proper run. I set off slowly, and after a few minutes eased out onto the…


    most awesome road in the area, it was still damp but the morning sun was gradually burning through the mist and I knew that this ride would be…..


    long, hard and fast… just the way I like it.

    A short time later the road was almost dry and the engine was fully warmed through. As I pulled out of a junction in Little Snoring a bright pink Lambo Gallardo emerged from the pub car park and followed very close behind me. In my mirrors I could see the sultry good looks of the Gallardo driver. Damn me, it was Paris Hilton! I could see her wink, and she flashed her lights…


    but she was travelling way too close for me to be comfortable….what on earth was she doing? Women drivers! She was puttin her lippy on using her rear view mirror! She wasnt even looking at where she was going and her elbow was catching on her light switch…..time to twist the grip and bid a hasty exit before she sent me to an early grave!


    So I wacked the throttle back and went for it, but Paris wanted to party and she dumped the lippy and pressed the pedal firm;y to the floor. The V12 engines note changed and took on a hard edged, almost evil edge. Paris wanted to part all right, the game was well and truly on…


    … so I gently eased back on the throttle until we were level, and raised my visor as she looked over and looked me directly in the eye. She lowered the window and shouted “If I loose this race to you I will be your slave for a day”, to which I replied “Honey I’ve had smarter tarts than you for breakfast”. She smiled wryly and accelerated ahead.

    I reached down and opened the Nitrous Oxide tap fully, then flicked the turbo boost control to max. As we surged forward a could feel the rear tyre fighting for grip…


    …and then Thumper appeared from a side road. He bekoned frantically. I pulled over and he said ” Have you heard about radar? He’s won the lottery!”. And at that precise moment…


    Paris lamped on the brakes and flicked the Lambo around. Now Radar was even more attractive (is that possible??), and she wanted a piece of him!

    Thumper and Gordy knew what they nmust do now…

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