Bike starting session!

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    Well seeing as I have not ridden, or indeed, started any of the bikes since the Pete247 raid on the midlands back in November I thought it was high time I dusted the old fleet off and gave them a bit of a warm up/check over.

    The Fazer:

    Wouldn’t start,the battery was nearly dead but the old bus fired up after a few hours on the trusty optimate.

    The Powervalve:

    Started after about 200 kicks…I don’t feel so guilty about not going swimming today! It now starts first kick again. I also had to pump the back tyre…exciting stuff

    The Thundercat:

    Started first time after a few seconds churning…what a bike…still never even charged that battery in nearly 13 years of ownership!

    I then put them all back in the garage as it is sodding freezing!!


    The virago started easy after a month of not starting it ;) anther bike that was good for that was the FZX 750. really surprised us in fact :o

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