Bike Eviction – PLEASE HELP!

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    I live in a 3 story block of flats in a city centre. a new landlord took over one of the flats upstairs. I keep my bike at the bottom of the stairs inside the main door. This being classed as a comunal area. the bike fits and no more. I asked the tenants if it a problem for them as i have had my bike vandalised twice leaving it in the street, they all said they don’t mind at all. This landlord came to me this morning and told me that it was illegal to keep my bike parked there as it is a fire hazard and if i dont move it, will pursue the matter further. WHAT A D**K. Does he have grounds to stand on for this?? Please Help[:(!]


    Technically, I think he’s correct, it is a fire hazard. There are lots of strict rules about garaging vehicles, even when attached to houses; floor level differences (for spilt petrol) and isolation from fumes to name a couple. One leak of fuel from your bike and a tenant walking past with a cigarette……you know where I’m going with this.

    I can see his point because he has to pay for the insurance of the flats, which would probably be void if there was any claim as he knows that your bike is garaged there now. Can you reason with him and ask for some kind of storage area elsewhere, perhaps offering to share some of the cost with him as it could be a good investment if you move out later? There are lots of places selling decent small storage buildings for less than £200. He could also store some garden equipment in it if he has the space. Have a peek here:

    I know it’s not the answer you were hoping for but you might need a compromise, and if you are a good tenant for him then he might try to help you out to keep you there.


    More pricey but this may work too:


    Ill have a word and see what he says. Thanks for the info ! :)


    Good luck Tazzy, let us know how you get on hun ;)

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