Home Forums Jokes and games ARSEICONS

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  • #12010

    We all know those cute little computer symbols called “emoticons,” where:
    :) means a smile and
    :( is a frown.

    Well, how about some “ARSEICONS?”
    Here goes:

    (_!_) a regular arse

    (__!__) a fat arse

    (!) a tight arse

    (_*_) a sore arse

    {_!_} a wobbly arse

    (_o_) an arse that’s been around

    (_x_) kiss my arse

    (_X_) leave my arse alone

    (_zzz_) a tired arse

    (_E=mc2_) a smart arse

    (_$_) Money coming out of his arse

    (_?_) Dumb Arse

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