A cautionary tale….Motorcyclist Andrew Kelly jailed over 122mph ride (BBC)

Home Forums Pure Petrolhead Speed cameras A cautionary tale….Motorcyclist Andrew Kelly jailed over 122mph ride (BBC)

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    From the BBC:

    A motorcyclist who was caught speeding at 122mph and who boasted on an internet forum about lying to police has been jailed for eight months.

    Andrew Kelly, 37, of Littlemoor View, Pudsey, Leeds, was caught on a mobile camera near Selby on 20 June 2012.

    Police later found a thread on a web forum detailing the incident and how the user aimed to avoid prosecution.

    At York Crown Court, Kelly earlier admitted two counts of perverting the course of justice and one of speeding.

    After being filmed on the A63 at Newthorpe, Kelly told North Yorkshire Police a man called Richard had been test-driving the bike at the time of the offence as he was considering buying it.

    North Yorkshire Police were later made aware of a thread posted on an internet forum aimed at people wanting to defend themselves against speeding offences.

    Falsified documents

    In the thread, a user named “andyroo” described events matching the speeding incident on 20 June and outlining various ways in which he intended to avoid being caught.

    Another thread by “andyroo” was found that contained details of a parking offence in West Yorkshire, which the user said he had appealed against using falsified documentation.

    Police were able to trace the ticket, which was confirmed to have been issued to Kelly.

    Kelly, an MOT tester, was arrested and items were seized from his home, including a computer, motorcycle clothing and letters relating to the parking offence.

    At York Crown Court on 8 April, Kelly admitted one charge of perverting the course of justice in relation to the speeding offence, one charge of perverting the course of justice in relation to a parking fine and one charge of speeding.

    As well as being jailed for eight months, Kelly was also given six penalty points on his driving licence.

    After sentencing, Con Zoe Billings, from North Yorkshire Police, said: “He tried to portray himself as a simple mechanic who was poor at paperwork, but in reality he is an accomplished liar.”





    Sounds like a bit of a muppet to me


    Very daft. Never understood the people who film their speedo over the limit and upload it to YouTube either.


    This story changes everytime I read it! Still a div!

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