Speed camera sites + Radar’s close one.

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    HERE is the list of mobile speed camera sites for the week ahead in East Lancashire.

    Officers from the eastern Division, covering Blackburn, Darwen, Hyndburn and Ribble Valley are not running any sites next week as they are concentrating on other road safety initiatives.

    In Pennine division, covering Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale, cameras will be deployed as follows.

    MONDAY: Colne Road at Kelbrook, Cotton Tree Lane, Colne, Albert Road, Colne.

    TUESDAY: Skipton Road, Trawden, New Scotland Road and Manchester Road, Nelson.

    WEDNESDAY: Barkerhouse Road and Carr Road, Nelson, Barrowford Road, Barrowford.

    THURSDAY: Colne Road and Clitheroe Road, Brierfield, Briercliffe Road, Burnley.

    FRIDAY: Sycamore Avenue, Burnley, Belvedere Road, Burnley, Trafalgar Street, Burnley.

    SATURDAY: Manchester Road, Burnley, Brunshaw Road, Burnley, Manchester Road, Dunnockshaw.

    SUNDAY: Bolton Road, North, Edenfield, Haslingden Road, Haslingden, Round Hill Road, Haslingden.

    Best Regards

    Stuart XV16


    Do they have to tell you where they will be? In France they just appear on the fastest roads, usually at the bottom of a big hill.


    They should tell you where they will be, but this is not always the case. Most scamera partnerships post the information on their websites, I am currently working on a list of these so UK members or visitors can plan their route. Talivans usually use Laser and can target the front or the rear of a vehicle, and not necessarily be parked on the same side as the moving traffic they are targeting.


    Will your list be dynamic, ie updated when they change location?


    Unfortunately I can only post the area websites for members to check themselves, because they do move sites on a weekly basis, however members can familiarise themselves with the areas because they do come round quite frequent. Another tip is to know what your local talivan looks like, some use almost plain vehicles, some use vehicles which a blind man could not miss, but be aware most vans know are equipped with ORANGE not BLUE lights, this is another way of blending in to the everyday traffic passing off as a construction vehicle.


    Useful to know they look like construction vehicles, you mean like motorway maintainance etc?


    Yes, exactly like motorway maintenance, they even change the colour of the rear chevrons.
    They are visible which makes it “acceptable”.


    I think that I may have been caught by a mobile camera yesterday on the A11 headed towards Norwich. The van I am pretty sure had orange lights and marking similar to construction vehicles, hence I did not spot it until too late. I was speeding, so up to a point it was my own fault. However it was on the approach to a large island near Milldenhall (spelling),and I have seen acidents here. However they were all on the island either as people entered or left it! Nothing to do with speed and everything to do with with driver awareness and road layout. However the stats will show a speed camera at an accident blackspot, indicating just how easy the numbers can be twisted.
    Incidentally, it was (I think), a Mercedez Vito van and the camera pointed out of the back window.
    Watch for it on the A11.


    This might help. I will post this with it’s own header elswhere.

    Trying to fight an NIP (Notice of Intended Prosecution)

    I know someone who followed the guidelines below and won.

    Tell them you can’t remember who was driving at the time. First request the photographs as this may show the driver clearly enough to be recognised. If this still does not clarify who the driver was, then you should write and inform the police that you have reviewed the photographs and still are unable to work out who was driving.

    In 2001, Head of Middlesbrough CID, Detective Superintendent Adrian Roberts, appealed against a fixed penalty notice that he had received for allegedly doing 35 in a 30 zone. Detective Superintendent Roberts, 36, was filmed driving at 35mph in a 30mph zone and a fixed penalty notice was sent to his home. He took the notice to the head of the force’s administration of justice department and told him he couldn’t remember if he’d been driving at the time. Superintendent Graham Cummings decided to scrap the ticket after ruling the photographic evidence was inconclusive.

    As the Police are not above the law – you should be treated in the same manner. So if you can’t recall who was driving and the photographs don’t show the driver then a letter should get it dropped.

    If it does not then another letter detailing the case of Detective Superintendent Adrian Roberts and requesting why his was dropped and yours was not, should bring about a result, if this does not, ask them why you should take the blame for someone else’s behaviour and remind them we still live in a country where you are innocent until proven guilty.

    Most prosecutions for speeding are based on the offender admitting their guilt when returning the NIP, if everyone was to question the allegations the system would eventually grind to halt.


    Sorry if this is a daft question but does it not follow that they would then ask ‘who drives your car’ and if you say ‘just me and the wife’ then she gets the ticket?


    Bit of a problem here as my wife can’t drive and nobody else is insured to drive my elderly Passat.
    One glimmer of hope is that a silver X or Y plate Primera estate was in front of me and a couple of other cars were in the inside lane.


    Another thought: Calibration, do they certify that the equip itself is calibrated and correctly tuned for a given location (and weather conditions etc) against a target going at a known speed?
    Thanks for the tips anyway XV


    Remember, they have to prove you guilty not you prove yourself innocent. Who can say I don’t drive/ride your vehicle on my own insurance. You are not being prosecuted for insurance matters.

    Their equipment must be calibrated but not for every outing, I think it is only 12 month intervals.

    Radar, hope you were lucky, it may be the other vehicles may have obscured your plate or even been the vicim themselves, if it was you they wanted and they could not get a clear shot,,,, I bet they are spitting feathers.


    Thank the lord for British justice. Blame the devil for British cameras[}:)]


    Any news yet Radar? 14 days today. You should not trust strangers to test drive your vehicle before selling it, how can you remember who they are?

    Best Regards
    Stuart XV16

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