Home Forums British beef BSA A7

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    A friend of mine who is a total technophobe (but enjoys using my PC when I am there) asked me to mention his BSA A7. It has a genuine 33,000 miles and is absolutely immaculate. I rode this bike and apart from the tricky 1 up 3 down gearbox, I love it to bits. It’s 43 years old and goes like it was new!

    There, I mentioned it now I hope he’ll let me have another go soon[:)]

    You’re never too old for flies in your teeth


    Ah memories.
    I once had one of ’em when I wuz a boy (circa 1971), no crash hat and all that.
    Me and the missus were out on it one day and the return oil line to the oil tank split and sprayed oil all over the back wheel. Next corner it was a triple salko and a double lutz and the missus ended up with road rash. She now hates bikes.
    Wish I kept all my British bikes now ;-((

    You can see the oil lines in the link coming back from the engine to the oil tank, jut in front of the kick start lever.
    On ‘tother side is the battery, so left thigh used to get eaten by battery acid and right thigh got oil on it. Happy days???!!!

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    kids in the back of cars cause accidents – accidents in the back of cars cause kids


    I too wish I had kept my Brit bikes but only to be able to sell them now for a new toy! I enjoyed them at the time but you have to be prepared to work on them, if only because of their age and the materials they were built from.

    I’ve donated to the forum, have you?

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