can’t talk

Home Forums Gripes, moans and praise can’t talk

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  • #8481

    Hi all,
    afater joining this forum last week,I try to talk or send a e-mail, I sign in as you do, only to be told THERE WAS A PROBLEM has any one else had this hassle, cheers.


    Hi banditone. If you can be a bit more specific about when this error occurs then I can help.

    You obviously can post messages as you have one above which came out fine. If you get this error message at the login stage then your user name or password are incorrectly spelled, but again you must have been logged in to post your message.

    If you are trying to send an email to a member who has not ticked the “Allow forum members to send you email” box when registering, then you will get an error. We respect each person’s privacy and try to protect members from unsolicited emails (spam) where possible. We ask that you contact them first through a message on this site if required. You can then obviously exchange email addresses, or that person may enable the sending of emails through the site for any length of time.

    Hope this helps.


    thanks for the help, re privacy,seems to have sorted it’s self out now, thanks again.


    I have just registered and when I try and access the member profiles all I get is error message saying I need to be logged in! I have logged in 4 times and it still won’t allow me access! What is wrong with the site?


    Take a look at “How to use this forum”, then select “Read me” and then “Registering problems”. Read the help there about cookies. Internet Explorer or any other browser needs to allow cookies from this website to remember your login.

    Are you using Norton Internet Security, ZoneAlarm or another firewall? These are very often the cause too, requiring temporary disabling, not only on this site but on many others too.

    Hope this helps, feel free to tell us more if you still fail to login.

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