Soke on Trent (UK). Xmas Charity Run 07/12/03

Home Forums BikeMeet Cafe Soke on Trent (UK). Xmas Charity Run 07/12/03

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  • #8452

    Well done to anybody on the Stoke bikers charity Christmas toy run. Just seen it on Central News and everybody looked brilliant. According to the TV reporter the convoy of bikes took 15 minutes to pass her. They were collecting toys for needy kids.
    Great to see some positive news about bikers on the TV.[:D]


    Did a run in Newcastle about 4 years ago for a childrens charity. Like Stoke it is a Xmas toy run and it makes you feel real good about biking. Went to a hotel afterwards for a meal and they would not let me go in restaurant bit with my leathers on. Name and shame? Certainly – The Copthorne on the B1600 by the arena.

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