Out and about in Worcestershire/Shropshire border country – The bacon runs out!

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    Good Friday and the sun is shining, but the weather forecast is dire for the rest of the Bank Holiday weekend. So when Elessimo sent a text message inviting me to join up in Ludlow as he made he way over to Bucknell in rural Shropshire to test ride a CCM I leapt at the chance and dragged out the MV for only its’ 2nd proper outing

    I am still getting used to the beast so took things gently we rolled over the hills through Cleobury and over Clee Hill before getting to the ever delightful Ludlow to meet up with the big E and his good lady wife in the shadow of the castle.

    Big and little E

    Throughout my ride today I came across loads of people out on classic British Iron and I managed to capture this lovely Norton in Ludlow

    From here we had a chilled, if somewhat erratic journey over to Bucknall. Here representatives from CCM themselves were waiting in a pub car park with the demo bikes. I hadn’t booked up for a ride but I did try one for size and the low seat option worked for me. These CCM’s seem to be real adventure bikes, light, low and manageable…I could imagine riding one over all sorts of terrain.

    Big E on the CCM450, he looked very much at home

    This charming little general store in Buknall is still open, looks unchanged for years. This could be the 1950’s!

    Typical of the lovely roads and charming countryside I spent the day riding along and through

    Anyway Big E enjoyed his test ride while had a natter with his Mrs for a while before wondering off home via the bikers Cafe at Quatt…word had got out about the poor weather for the weekend and the place had been busy all day with raiding bikers desperately trying to get a ride in before rain stops play. So much so in fact that they had run out of bacon…NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! But apart from that I had a cracking 90 miles on the MV as my confidence in it continues to flourish….

    The MV soaking up some rays…

    There are some lovely, ‘chocolate box’ villages to meander through in Shropshire

    4 O’clock and the bikes were still rolling in at the cafe…hence no Bacon (or salad…)!!

    At least the gentle spring sunshine nearly made up for it

    Another enjoyable ride out, cheers for dragging me out Mr.E

    This how Big E got on with the CCM




    Nice write-up, Radar! We must definitely meet up again at Ludlow and check out some more quaint Salop routes…..

    See you on Sunday the 17th April – Prescott Bike Festival? Great event, but needs a few more MVs….  8)


    Nice write-up, Radar! We must definitely meet up again at Ludlow and check out some more quaint Salop routes…..

    See you on Sunday the 17th April – Prescott Bike Festival? Great event, but needs a few more MVs….  8)

    I really fancy going to that, keep reminding me! How about this one on the 3rd of April:



    Nice write-up, Radar! We must definitely meet up again at Ludlow and check out some more quaint Salop routes…..

    See you on Sunday the 17th April – Prescott Bike Festival? Great event, but needs a few more MVs….  8)

    I really fancy going to that, keep reminding me! How about this one on the 3rd of April:


    Unavailable on 3rd April – driving students to Sheffield Uni….  :(      8)


    Nice pics and great to see some sun in there (and a nice old Commando).


    Nice pics and great to see some sun in there (and a nice old Commando).

    Dust off the ZX9R and join us sometime, it would be marvellous to have you along! :)

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