Hoggin’ the Bridge 2015: Sunday 18th October

Home Forums Meetings and events Hoggin’ the Bridge 2015: Sunday 18th October

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    Register (£5 to charity) online at http://www.hogginthebridge.co.uk then meet for 11am at the old Aust Services on the M48 on Sunday 18th October.

    3 or 4,000 bikes cross the Severn Bridge, tootle around some local villages then end up parading and parking at Chepstow Racecourse where there are live bands, covered seating, food & drink, etc.

    Could be a laugh…. I’ve registered and paid so will be going come wind or high water – don’t want to waste money…. 

    Anyone else up for playing Russian Roulette with the weather?    8)


    Youngest daughter’s birthday I am afraid so I won’t be out I am  afraid…keep trying. I will join you at some point!

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