A483 heads up

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    I know a few of you on here love the A483, yesterday just out of Newtown I came up behind an unmarked 59 plate Red Focus ST, I sat patiently behind him despite him covering that section at no less than 60mph (quick in a car) then on the fast stuff he dropped to 40 & placed his wheels in the ditch inviting me to overtake, I pulled into a layby & left him to it, he was clearly trying to goad me & probably thought I’d missed to see his hidden blue lights which he was just turning off from pulling an RSV & a very tinkled off biker.


    Thanks for the heads up


    Sneaky buggers. Cheers for the tip off


    I’ve yet to clap eyes on it, but will obviously keep a look out as it’s on my doorstep. It could be that its out there because of the bike fatality between Kerry and Newtown two weeks ago, plus we believe another biker was killed this Saturday 2 miles outside Welshpool on the Shrewsbury road. I think they would use the words ‘being proactive’!!


    I respect that they have a job to do and if we speed and get caught we have pay the piper. Its when they try egging you on as RC described that I get annoyed


    I quite agree! ps around these parts it’s usually Volvo estates in black or dark metallic grey that go around unmarked BUT you can usually spot the additional mirror moulded above the nearside door one.


    A few years ago the chief of humberside/lincolnshire police appeared on the local tv news to talk about speeding.

    He explained that they were there to promote safety and education and that they never “hid behind hedges” to catch people out.

    Two days later a group of us headed over to Willingham Woods for the usual Wedsnesday night meet and on the way through Market Rasen we were flashed by car drivers. Literally 10 yards into the 30 zone there were 2 bikes and a bmw car sat behind a hedge while their colleague sat opposite in someones garden with a speed gun!!!

    We all hate idiots who speed in built up areas..but whats the police were doing that day was just sneaky IMO.


    On the recent run out with Thumper, Katana and Ses we had a marked car slow so much on 60 mph section to get us to pass him.I think he was hoping forĀ  little glory, but we just trickled along at 60mph taking the beauty of the surrounding countryside until he got bored. It suited me in any case as my fuel light hd been on for ages!

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