Rd 125 lc mk2 restoration

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    lucky rookie

    Hello again

    It’s funny how things turn out.
    When building my 1200 bandit turbo I found that it is better to be able to do all the fabrication yourself as sometime something that appears simple in your head can be very difficult to explain to someone else, for a while I lost all confidence in my skills and have not attempted a project until now.
    The project is a 1986 RD 125 LC MK 2
    The bike was bought in boxes and needs a complete restoration job, this I am confident of doing this as in the past I’ve built quite a few of these.
    So I’m not promising the journey will be smooth but it will be informative and hopefully entertaining.[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YGPcTcJH7U&sns=em[/youtube]

    This is my first instalment hope you enjoy it


    Looking forward to seeing the project progress


    Great idea Andy. That’s a tidy garage too. Look forward to the next installment.

    Are you going for a completely standard bike?

    lucky rookie

    Hi imperial

    yes the bike will be as close to standard as possible the only un standard item will be an Allspeed exhaust.
    i am trying to re create the Rd that i had when i was 17.

    I know its seems sad but it was one of the bikes i had the most fun on.



    Hope you have labelled everything!

    The RD125LC ws the bike that I really wanted when I was 17 back in 1982, they were just out then. But I couldn’t afford one so had my trusty CB100N instead!

    That was followed by a 1980 RD250LC when I passed my test and I still have an RD to this day.

    Good luck with the restoration, I look forward to following your progress.

    Impressively organised workshop too!


    Love the vid. Keep it up and keep us posted… AWESOME bike!

    lucky rookie

    Today my new airbox arrived, well i say new but i mean new to me.
    needed a bit of a clean so i spent an hour on it and thought i would post a before and after.
    don’t worry im not going to post everything but as im not at the juicy stuff yet i thought something is better than nothing.


    lucky rookie

    link didnt work

    lucky rookie


    Sorry the pics arent brill but i think you can still see the improvement


    Great project and love the vid.

    I had a RD125DX with Allspeeds on it – it was so loud it would make your ears bleed!

    lucky rookie

    Frames gone for powder coating should be back Tuesday next week will post pics when it arrives


    I think the powder coating of the frame always adds some interest back to a project because you start to build on something that already looks immaculate. I can’t imagine prepping a rusty frame without this process. Must have been a real pain in the days before powder coat.

    I had a look and it seems it was invented around the late 1940s but I seem to remember it being affordable and the ‘next big thing’ in the early 1980s. That’s when I first had wheels and frames done anyway. Anyone have it done in the 70s?

    lucky rookie

    I remember when I had saved enough money to have a frame powder coated it cost £46 2 weeks wages the bike was an rd125dx and the frame was powder coated flame red at a local company called Heeley brothers.
    When I walked into the shop to pick it up I couldn’t believe it it was like brand new well worth 2 weeks wages


    Always give a bike a bit of sparkle and a good base for a restoration, Look forward to seeing the results

    lucky rookie

    Off a little from my own project here is a picture of my dads bsa bantam d3 engine that I have just finished restoring image_zps540e8ed3.jpg

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