BC3 with the Thudercat Forum 18/06/2011

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    My somewhat cavalier approach to preparation ment that I and Mrs.Radar could get on with our usual pre ride-out ritual…This runs along the lines of me muttering stuff like “What the f€uk do you need to bring that for!!??” as she covered our bed with enough kit to equip a medium sized army! Eventually after much screaming, yelling and gnashing of teeth we jam all her gear into the panniers and put my toothbrush and change of skids in a tank bag side pocket and wobble off still muttering at each other into our helmets! I am never going to buy an intercom… By now it had started to rain too…oh great!
    I met up with three of the others outside Bewdley. It was good to hook up with people so early on in the weekend and all on Thundercats too. I led the group initially as we paddled across Worcestershire, into Shropshire as the rain continued to fall, despite being the local I wound up at the back of the line after Craven Arms and it was the lad from London who led us the last few miles into Bishops Castle itself. It felt good to be back in the charming little town again and memories from the previous gatherings came flooding back. Somehow now the rain didn’t matter.
    A quick call to the run leader for the weekends fun and frolics revealed that he and his Mrs were already sampling the cultural delights of Bishops Castle…they were in the pub!!
    Once Mrs Radar had unloaded all her kit and my toothbrush we headed to the centre of the nights fun…The Boars Head. Here the group gathered and enjoyed an excellent meal, only marred slightly by one of the lads bringing out his favourite bright yellow ‘budgie- smugglers’. These were variously thrown about, modelled on people’s heads etc as the beer flowed. Just don’t ask about the skid marks…I’m sure it was some errant brown sauce…
    It was great to see familiar faces from BC1/2 and some new people for me, such as the lads who had made the epic journey down from Scotland for the weekend. One lass was on her first forum gathering and ride-out only 2 weeks after passing her test. The evening passed all too quickly, the pub filled with the buzz of conversation and laughter, but it was a big day tomorrow…the ride up to Snowdonia National Park and the weather forecast wasn’t great.
    The morning of the ride-out dawned, and it wasn’t raining…result. We gathered for the ride outside The Boars Head and our numbers were swelled by those who were just coming for the rideout. All in sixteen bikes lined up ready for the off…including 9 Thundercats, a recent record and not bad for a bike 8 years out of production. Joining Yamaha’s finest were a 600 Fazer, a GPz550, CBF1000, Ducati 999, Triumph 1050ST, ZX6R 636 and a stunning 11 plate 848.
    After the compulsory group photo-shoot we saddled up and headed off for Wales. The initial sections along the A5 were not terribly exciting but got the group used to riding with each other and the roads got steadily more challenging and views more impressive as the ride progressed into Wales. Past the Incredible aqua-duct at Llangollen, over the Horse-shoe pass, where stopped briefly to take it the superb view down into the valley, before the first stop proper at the famous Ponderosa cafe for a cuppa and bit of cake. The weather had been patchy but there had been enough dry roads for most of the group to have some fun here and there.

    On through Betws-y-coed and Capel Curig causing an amusing amount of chaos in a petrol station before picking up the A4086 and the high-light of the ride…the spectacular Pen-y-pass as it cuts through the heart of the national park. The dark clouds were draped ominously over the mountain tops as we plunged down the pass, sweeping past cars and tour buses as best we could before reaching Llanberis for the lunch halt. Just as we rolled into the car park a bus load of pensioners also arrived and there were unsightly scenes as bikers and biddies battled it out for the prime tables and the bog! In the confusion one lad managed to find his way into the Ladies loo’s…his place in the Numpty Hall of fame assured. What a shame I got a photo too…

    The weather had been patchy throughout and we had stopped a few more times than usual, but it didn’t matter and for me it added to the spirit of the ride somehow

    Suitably refreshed we headed back, the pace was noticeably quicker at times, despite long sections of the A470 being dug up.  I really enjoyed a few miles when 6 of the 9 Thundercats were heading the pack, great stuff. This section of the run included the sublime B4391 which the guys and girls at the front attacked with some verve despite the wet and slippery conditions.

    Having so many Thundercats together again is a rare event these days so we took the opportunity to line up all 9 alongside Lake Llyn Celyn. They made an impressive sight…but with the advancing years we might do well to hit this number on future rides.
    It was here that the reason for the increasing odd handling of my bike became apparent…my back tyre seemed to of lost pressure…or was it just too soft all along due to my thorough lack of preparation?? Panic was quickly averted when one of the lad sprang to the rescue with a compressor from under the seat of his Thundercat. In addition to a small TV and photo studio his bike had more underseat accessories than I have ever seen and wiring loom like black spaghetti! Cheers bud; you got me out of the poo big time.   
    The ride continued and despite the continually changing weather we all managed to have a bit of fun at various points along the way.

    Once back at Bishops Castle the group gathered again at the Three Tuns for a superb meal and beer from the on-site brewery. Once again the conversation flowed and laughter rang out from everybody. Roll on BC4 and some sunshine!

    Now for the piccies….

    Forming up for the Saturday ride-out, little Bishops Castle invaded once more

    The standard group shot…

    Me, my beloved and Mrs.Radar…

    OK the weather was a bit crap, but the view was still impressive at the horseshoe pass

    Tea and cake, we bikers are hard b@ast@rds

    Enjoying the somewhat too fresh air

    Great view from the Ponderosa, even on a day like this one

    Team Ducati at rest…God they are beautiful though!

    Causing a suitable of chaos at the first petrol halt

    All safe and sound at Llanberis

    Bikers and Biddies battle it for tea and cakes! There were some nasty scuffles…

    Even Mary Poppins has a Thundercat…

    9 Thundercats soaking up the…err no just soaking!

    We passed through loads of great countryside

    Impressive line up

    Cracking weekend


    Loving the ‘lined up’ pic – had to be done!

    Cheers for the write up, hope you didn’t get too wet.


    Great write up as usual Radar

    Even managed to get you into one of the pictures!


    As Kat said


    God your brave Radar …Me, My beloved and Mrs Radar… BTW Excellant write up!

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