NSR Update

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    September saw the end of my first year on the road and with a certain gentleman who will remain nameless (although he sold me Baby6)nagging, I thought it was time for an update.

    So.. The NSR which was and is my first road going bike did a full year with me thinking that it was a noisy beast, but as it had a full MOT when I bought it, the noise must be normal.

    Fast forward to one saturday walking into the local Bike test station, Announcing myself and being greeted with the words, “are you the one who’s just riden in on that Noisy B@st@rd NSR?”. Oooooppps. Don’t think the bike is going to fly through the MOT somehow.

    5 inch split in the exhaust and some leaky fork seals sent me packing to lick my wounds. However, the owner of the shop made a quick call and sourced me a secondhand exhaust (nice gent).

    Was away for the next few weeks so couldn’t leave the bike for the fork seals to be done. So trailered the bike back to him at the start of this month. A week later I took a bus (that was novel) to collect it with a shiney new MOT, new insurance but no tax (but ok riding back from a test without tax).

    Had to wait for the insurance docs to come through to get some tax…Another week out of the saddle! (i really love the Tax office!!).

    Finally..Friday a week ago, gets the tax. Saturday see’s a gentle ride down to the local DIY to pick up some wasp killer (don’t ask!) As the bike is now warm with the new “Stealth” exhaust fitted, I go for a blast up the A38. Feeling good, so pull into the Bike school to talk about more lessons/DAS. Has a cup of tea and a chat, get on the bike to ride home, WON’T START.

    Long story short, 6 hours later after several of the lads from the Bike School and a hard working RAC guy fail to get it started, I get recovered home on the biggest recovery truck you’ve ever seen. (by the way, thanks for your efforts lads).

    Luckily (term used loosely) I had the Monday off, So I spent Sunday and Monday stripping the engine out of the Bike..Ended up using Stilsons and a blow torch (must remember to send those nice engineers at Honda a letter thanking them for designing an easy bike to work on NOT!)

    Engine in the a local workshop and back out again within two days (Thanks Dave), with a new piston and bore. Hot seize causing loss of compression was the issue.

    Fitted the engine back in the bike on Sunday and ran it up very gently, with some extra oil in the fuel. It was a great feeling when it actually fired.

    Ran it up to temperature on tickover as instructed, then let it cool last night. Got to fit all the ancillaries back on, realign the back wheel etc and a few other jobs then its the gentle run in period.

    Wish me luck


    P.S. Radar, could you put me in touch with Andy, as I think I’ll take him up on the kind offer of the use of his “Tuning Ear” instead of my own “Tone deaf” one.


    Nice to hear you got the NSR back up and running (and pretty quickly too). It’s definitely worth spending a while on the mixture now so it doesn’t die again, especially now your exhaust only has one exit hole.


    Cheers for the update, I will put you in touch with Andy, he only lives around the corner from you

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