GSXR 1000 K3-K4 removal of alarm

Home Forums Technical and wiring diagrams GSXR 1000 K3-K4 removal of alarm

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    As you all know my Datatool alarm messed itself and wouldnt desist making a god awful racket on the hottest day of the year while everyone was trying to catch some raise. The outcome of this was the alarm getting torn out of the bikes wiring loom rendering it totally useless. The bike was left with lights that worked but no fuel injection at all. It took me a couple of hours and a bucket load of fuses to find a solution bit I can now pass this forward. I have thouroughly tested the bike and so far has presented no problems at all.

    Although I won’t post the actual solution for obvious reasons but if anyone needs a solution you can PM me and I will help.

    Also I’ll post a full wiring diagram for this bike as soon as I can but don’t be hopeful that you can fix it from that as it was useless.


    Alarms are a pain, wonder why anybody bothers with them really

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