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  • #14017
    CGR Bike Gear

    Hi All,

    As the newest member (at the time of posting) I would like to say hello to everyone. The admin made us feel very welcome, cheers Dave.

    I ride the somewhat “cult” Suzuki SV650S. Iknow, I know, many of you will now be raising your eyes skywards but I ride every day. Not a fair weathered guy who gets his bike on the road for sixty-eight miles in the middle of July. Every day, means every day. Don’t have one of the four wheeled, bike killer thingy’s, cars I think they call em.

    The snow and ice is a nightmare and has me resorting to busses (if running) taxi’s at a push (and I do mean a big push) or shank’s pony.

    My bike has never let me down and even though a spill (sorry, didn’t see you at all mate…er thats because you weren’t looking at all) put her off the road for a while, she was back in tip-top condition in no time. BLD did a great job. Despite skidding around on my a*se into oncoming traffic, I still ride every day. It’s the only way to fly.

    Hope to keep up with everyone with regards to posts and chat but on the road, most of you will only ever see me in the mirrors.

    Ride safe all.



    Welcome Paul

    Fair play to you for using the bike in this weather. How is the finish on the SV holding up against the salt?

    I’m afraid my time for all weather biking has passed and both mine are tucked up in a garage awaiting spring.

    CGR Bike Gear


    It does as well as can be expected. I dont have any illusions, its my workhorse. Wash it on Sunday’s with help(?) of the kids (like a good religious person[:D]), bit of oil here, bit of WD40 there, like you do. When she’s well past her sell-by I will get another. For me that’s when it becomes uneconomical to repair[:(]

    Would get another after this one, cant beat a reliable, comfy machine. They’re not for everybody I suppose but thank god for choices…being vertically challenged I couldn’t say I would enjoy having to ride a CBR everyday for example….


    Welcome to the forum Paul and fair play to you riding in this weather! My winter riding days are long behind me than goodness! I used to, and it was miserable!

    SV650 is a cracking bike, and I hope to see you out and about in the summer! OK spring!

    In the meantime this link will help you to explore the site:


    Welcome aboard Paul, what else have you had the pleasure of owning? Any pics?

    CGR Bike Gear


    Yamaha YBR 125 was my first love…(following a mis-spent youth on Vespa’s and various rip-n-go, chicken chasers) Still tip my lid to anything on two-wheels,as they are dear to my heart. I had a 50cc for a while and quite a few “bikers” wouldn’t let on even if coming the opposite way. Shame really because the scooter boys of today are frequently the bikers of the future. We shouldn’t forget where we came from. I ride because I enjoy it and I give a big thumbs up to anyone I pass on two wheels, especially if the weather is bad. Long may they ride.


    I love scooters, my wife had a couple them years ago and they were a hoot to ride. I used to run a bike club in Norfolk and we a non-stop JOG to LE run on a Honda Vision back in 1990 for charity:

    My brother in law had a YBR125 for a while…decent bike I thought…

    Like TT said, how about a few pics of your biking history??

    CGR Bike Gear

    Got some recent boring pics of the bike, think they are all on the website though. How do you put a picture on here? Not got any old photos, lost by the wayside in a hundred house moves.

    My Yamaha was stolen from the side of the house…hate that. You get the gear on and go round the side of the house and end up staring at an empty space…then the anger kicks in…then for some strange reason you start thinking it was your own fault for leaving it there.

    Anyone else thought that?



    Yes I have but with C**s not bikes, lost 2 from exactly the same spot on the streets carpark. The 1st one was an Mk1 RS2000, sauntered down the road with two buckets to give her a wash, from a distance I thought strange I could have sworn I’d parked it THAT spot, as I got closer and could view all of the spots it dawned on me that YES it had been nicked. For weeks I’d taken off the rotor arm just incase, I’d also found it unlocked when I’m sure I’d locked it.One week after that I’d ommitted to take off the rotor arm so she went, never to be heard of again. The second car was an Orion 1600E, would you believe I was out one night (no not in the car) with friends and the police phoned home (Yes I am Known!) and asked if I was out in it, the reply was NO, why? Their answer was… well then its been stolen and being used by 4 blokes to try and nick even more cars!

    The answer to your question is yes I felt the same as you, both angry and asking myself was it also my fault for not trying harder to make them more difficult to steal.

    I’m currently looking at getting an Impreza or Evo and have ALREADY wondered how long it would be before they’d drive away without me behind the wheel.



    Originally posted by CGR Bike Gear

    Got some recent boring pics of the bike, think they are all on the website though. How do you put a picture on here?

    The following link explains the method

    CGR Bike Gear


    Any excuse to pop out on the bike…night or day, must be taken.


    Trouble is we don’t have any normal pics on the web as such, oh well. It’s my work vehicle, how many builders have pics of their white van? [:D]


    Welcome to the site Paul, hope you enjoy it.

    Please feel free to drop a link to your website and tell us a bit about it.

    CGR Bike Gear

    CGR BIKE GEAR….a brief introduction (not a life story).

    One cold day I said to Claire (my other half) it’s bl@@dy freezing. Knock us up one of those polo-neck thingy’s. I had looked on Ebay for one but couldn’t find any, nor a norwegian type top either. I don’t do clothes shops and some of the stuff I wear has been in and out of fashion more than once!! Claire and I run a company that makes luggage, pram bags, childrens clothes etc and goods for other companies. So off she went into the workshop and emerged later with one polo-neck in 100% cotton. That’s effing brilliant I said when she gave it to me. First one of my mates that saw it said, where did you get that from? Needless to say he had one and then his mate etc. CGR was born. We posted some on the dreaded Ebay, firstly as a marketing survey. Two things can be said about Ebayers…1) they always want a bargain. 2) They can leave negative feedback if the goods are not up to scratch. Our feedback was outstanding, we had got the product right…job done. We still list on Ebay as we have built up some repeat customers and don’t want to let them down while the website address is given to all of them. Ebay costs continue to go up. We do not want to put our prices up so we started our own website.

    We are not run of the mill faceless, nameless people buying from sweatshops in a foreign land. We do not mass produce anything but take care and pleasure in what we do. We are real people trying to provide gear made in England at the right price. We have always specialised in doing things that the big companies just won’t do. Could you ring NEXT or BURTONS or TOP SHOP for example and say ” I like that top but can you make it with longer sleeves?” Obviously not. Contact us and any item will be made to your own measurements. We have made lots of one-off’s, longer sleeves, longer bodies, thumbhole cuffs, longer necks, and one armed jackets. It’s what we do. For more information follow the CGR Bike Gear link. Our names are Paul and Claire and we answer all e-mails personally.

    Ride safe guys and gals, be careful out there.


    “I’ll give you £80,000 for 40 percent of your business”.

    Sorry too much Dragon’s Den…..

    Nice to see a British business with products manufactured in Britain. It also sounds like you care about the customer which is not the case with the bigger chains. I hope you get some orders from the good folks on here.

    CGR Bike Gear


    Thanks for the support, British manufacture is in decline it’s true. Of course we look after our customers, they pay our wages and are the most important people to please. The larger chains buy stuff mass produced from abroad, stick it on the shelf and sell it. Their business is different to ours. It’s like the difference between a woman buying a dress from the Next catalogue or having Vivian Westwood personally make her a designer one. Chalk and Cheese.

    It is an interesting point about forum members. Some may have purchased one of our products already. We have sold some on Ebay and to be fair that is where we send them for review. Ebayers leave feedback. I will start a thread and see if anyone has actually purchased anything from us. I did see a biker on youtube with a micro-fleece the other day but b*gg*r me I can’t find it again now.

    Thanks again for the comments.


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