Possible Blade makeover

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    Those of you who have been on here a while will know that come winter time I often succumb to the call of a drafty garage.

    As the Kat is sort of where I want it to be (apart from developing an oil leak on its last outing).

    So my attention is turning to the Blade (sorry Radar I just can’t help myself).

    I’m considering getting a set of these:


    I’ve read stories of how they can be a pig to fit – but that’s half the fun. All I’d need to complete the transformation would be a secondhand tank painted black and then I could put all the standard bits in the loft.

    Just got to pursued Mrs Kat that it is a sound investment!

    What do you lot think?


    looks like it could be pretty cool mate :)


    Yes Kat go for it, I’ve often wondered what the quality of the far eastern suppliers would be like and considered doing the same with the 99 Gixer 6 likewise keeping all the original spec parts too. With that in mind I followed the link from your post and checked out their selection


    and WOW I can purchase an exact clone of my actual bike!, as you can see from their photo:-


    as against my own bike in my bikepics.com members page:-


    spooky isn’t it!!!!!!!! [:)]I sure laughed when I saw that one[:)]


    haha, its at the exact same position on the road too. Must be a popular place to park.


    Exact same pipe too, I bet they are popular too!


    So long as you keep the standard bits it seems a good idea. However 89 Fireblade?? They started selling them in 92!


    Wondered, has anyone reading this post actually had the experience of fitting one? or know of someone who has and could add there thoughts. If your new to this forum or have yet to post anything nows your chance.


    I’d be rather worried bout any company that blatently robs photos of bikes that arn’t wearing their plastics, I wonder if they are in breach of copywrite laws using your pic?


    yo! dont you all remember that i fitted a west kit to my kwak that was a “shaftermarket kit” yes you read that right.
    theres absolutely no fun to be had buying fairings from these companies, although dont let me put you off, you probably have more patience than me.
    but i shall say, in the kit i got, there were no lugs for the rear seat catch or rear light, i had to cut the lugs off the rear light to get it anywhere near the hole cut in the back of the seat. i then had to cut off around an inch of plastic to get the light to where it should have been, and ended up havin to silicone seal it in.
    the front fairings had to be modified to get the indicators to fit.
    the seat didnt seal properly so everytime i washed the bike or it rained the undertray filled up with water (which is what probably f**ked the electrics in the end).
    the screen cowl cracked as i was fitting it because the air intake overlap was no where near where it needed to be. dont get me wrong the aftermarket fairings look good but they will end up being held on with duct tape and silicone sealer. best thing is to spend a little more and just get the originals painted, my friend got his duke 748 done in full race colours for 400 quid, which is only like 100 quid more than the sh*tty ones from china.

    sorry for spelling errors and the such…im ill in bed..so probably couldnt even string a sentence together properly.


    I know what you are saying Ben – get well soon.

    I think the fairings can be very variable in quality. I just fancy a change and if I go this way I’d still have all the standard stuff to put back on (or sell) if i needed to.

    I followed a thread on one of the fireblade forums and apart from a few “adjustment issues” his kit looked great.


    I wasn’t going for a race rep scheme but after seeing this I’m not so sure:



    pahahahahahah! get it done :D
    whats the bike under the…ahem, fairings?


    OK Bud,must have plenty of bottle to ride that.Looks a bit to ‘boxey’ to me, do they do other colours?

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