
Home Forums Gripes, moans and praise broken!!

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    the bike has been playing silly buggers recently, when turning the key the fuel injection doesnt kick in, so the bike wont start.
    this was tolerable for all of 5 minutes until i shouted at it, and then it made it work again…so all was well until i got out of the gym this morning and it was pissing it down, turned the key and started the bike, turned the bars to the right to reverse out of the parking space and the engine cut out and all the electrics died. 2nd workout of the day was pushing the F**ker home.

    all of this, added to working 16 hours a day 6 day a week equals im selling the piece of sh*t and getting something that wont make me want to buy a car!! my patience has run out


    Sounds like a harness fault Ben.

    If you’re serious about selling drop me a PM, I’m looking at ZX9/ZX10s at the mo to replace my bike.


    [:0]I’m lost for words![:0] But there again, thinking back to problems I’ve had with bikes in the past, if they become persistent and you start chasing your own tail best call it a day, ensuring of course that the replacement is in fine fettle!


    yep..totally naff isnt it :((
    im just getting to the point where i cant be bothered with things going wrong, im working all hours god sends me so dont have the time for messing with it.

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