Nearly caused an accident.

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    I did something this morning while riding to work that I shall not be doing again in a similar situation. Seeing an oncoming car that had stopped momentarily to let someone out of a side road on his left, I stopped myself and nodded for him to come out as no oncoming traffic was in motion. Someone had to or he would never have gotten out. At that point, a car that had been waiting behind the car that had stopped, got bored with waiting, darted out and overtook him, narrowly missing the car that had just start to exit the side road. Felt a right prat that I nearly caused an accident. Lesson learnt and yes, I know… poor obs.


    That manoeuvre happens every day mate, I can’t see that it’s an observation fault on your part. Only one person to blame for the narrow miss in my mind and that’s the guy who pulled out.

    If a car stops in the road in front of you, wouldn’t you question why it has stopped and not just whizz round the outside of him?



    Originally posted by imperialdata

    That manoeuvre happens every day mate, I can’t see that it’s an observation fault on your part. Only one person to blame for the narrow miss in my mind and that’s the guy who pulled out.

    If a car stops in the road in front of you, wouldn’t you question why it has stopped and not just whizz round the outside of him?

    Got to agree with ID on this one!

    spanish biker

    yeh gotta go with that, we get that sort here all the time, not got a minute to wait , i was in the pick up with michele she was driving and we were in a line of traffic the set off and before michele got in gear a tart in a car passed us and pinched our space clipping our bumper she didnt even know, we were waiting in a line till the missus let fly with a bit of spanish swearing!!!![:)]


    Totally agree with ID on this one B2B. How could you possibly know that the t**t behind the car was gonna pull out? It was the t**t who pulled out, that was as fault hun ;)


    I think what I did was to nod saying it was safe for him come out. Had no right to take responsability for his safety.

    Curiously enough I was caught out by something almost the same when I was in West Germany. I was the one coming out of side road. Another driver needed to enter the side road but couldn’t until I came out as it was too narrow. He waited, I came out and was hit by a car overtaking him. They don’t have the caveat of not overtaking near junctions as we do here and I was the one deemed at fault.

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