weekend in Scotland

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    what a weekend, just a pitty the weather didnt shine for us though…
    I met col and kaz at abingdon services on friday afternoon, its only about 40 miles form there to my house….
    Anyway, got them both into the house and settled then we headed out for some beer and curry. great night in the local though i think they were struggling with some of the accents…but my mates didnt mind [:D]

    On Saturday we headed on up to Oban, the weather wasnt too bad when we left my place, but it didnt take long for the rain to catch us up, so 1st stop was the pit stop cafe at arrochar for a coffee and a half hour wait till the rain went off,
    next stop was Inverary for a fuel stop
    the plan from here was to head over the hills and pick up the Oban road at the pass of brander, cos col and kaz were riding 2 up i lost them on the mountain twisties, so the next stop was at loch awe village
    then we headed off yet again in the rain :cry:
    we finaly made it to Oban, another quick coffee and a short wait till the rain went off
    From Oban there are a couple of ways we can head back to Glasgow, we can either follow the coast road back to Inverary or head on to Connal over the falls of laura, fort willam and glen coe…Col wanted to go the glen coe route, so with the words of warning…it will be windy up there when we get to rannoch moor ..we headed off, riding the famous fast and beautifull 8 minuite road…20 miles of breath taking scenery if you bimble
    by the time we arrived at ballachulish the weather was closing in again
    another fuel stop at glen coe village, then we headed up and over the mountains…I know i said it would be windy up on the moor, but even i wasnt pre-paired for what was in store for us….it was blowing a bloody gale, snow laying all around us and cold driving rain…..wasnt long before im hands and feet were soaked and frozen..as the temprature plumated to BASTID on the cold scale
    and all we wanted to do was get down off this friggin mountain pass..1200 feet up and frozen to the bone is not fun.
    we finaly made it back to Glasgow, washed and changed we headed off to the pub
    but i think Kaz was still feeling the cold
    and wee Dougie made Kaz n Col at home with his rendition of the ace of spades
    The forcast for Sunday was heavy rain ad strong winds, but it wasnt too bad here as col loaded up the bike
    didnt stop him dressin up like a power ranger though
    thanks for a great weekend you 2….roll on july [:D]


    Great pictures Billy, thanks for sharing them with us

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