Beer is Better than Women Because…

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    You can enjoy a beer all month.

    Beer stains wash out. HANGOVERS go away.

    Beer labels come off without a fight.

    A beer won’t get upset if you come home with beer on your breath.

    A beer ALWAYS goes down easy.

    You can share a beer with your friends.

    You always know that you are the first one to pop a beer.

    A beer is always wet. beer doesn’t care when you come.

    Beer doesn’t mind being in the “wet spot” that IT left.

    When your beer is gone, you just pop another.

    Beer looks the same in the morning.

    Beer doesn’t worry about waking the kids.

    Beer doesn’t go crazy once a month.

    Beer labels don’t go out of style every year.

    Beer doesn’t have cold hands/feet.

    Beer doesn’t demand equality.

    Beer doesn’t have a lawyer.

    Big, fat beers are nice to have.

    Beer is easy to get into.

    Beer doesn’t live with its mother.

    A beer will never buy a car with automatic transmission

    Beer tastes good

    A beer won’t make you pick up some tampons when you go to the supermarket

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