Hair loss

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    A biker walked into the local barber shop and ask the old barber if he had anything for baldness.
    “I sure do.” replied the old barber, without lookin’ up from his work, as he clipped away at the man’s hair who was sittin’ in the barber’s chair.
    The biker waits a few seconds for the barber to tell him the cure, but the old man just continues his work. “Well ye old gesser, are you gonna’ tell me what it is?” The biker ask impatiently.
    The old barber finally looks up to see who was speaking to him. “Yeah, I can tell you young feller, but you ain’t gonna’ believe me when I do”.
    “Well, you old f**ker, you ain’t gonna’ know until you tell me.” The biker was starting to get pissed off.
    “Ok young feller. I’ll let you in on my little secret. The sure fire cure for your baldness is pussy juice.” The old man said with a smile.
    The biker busted out with laughter. “why you old son of a bitch, you’re even balder than I am.”
    “Yup, dats true young feller. But now you gotta’ admit, I got one hell of a nice mustache.”

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