Shark Aero S500 Crash helmet review

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    I applied for a journo job recently…I didn’t get the gig…here is one of the tthree articles I had to submit for you guys to have a look at. In this case I had to review my current crash helmet and I was limited to 200 words. Reading this back I can see why I didn’t progress to be honest. Oh well, back to the day job!

    There is an old bikers saying ‘you only get one head’ so the correct choice of crash helmet is crucial.
    My current helmet is a Shark Aero S500 that I bought at a show. Being honest I bought because it was cheap; like many of us I bike on a budget, so this was a factor for me. However it also carries an ACU Gold label too…
    It is a snug fit, has a comfortable cloth lining and an effective aero system…misting has never been a problem except in heavy rain. The visor is on a ratchet system and has been robust, scratch resistant and easy to adjust.
    Wind noise is acceptable, some may like a little more insulation, but I never have any issues with ringing ears or headaches after a ride. The chinstrap is of the ‘seat-belt’ type and easily adjusted and released.
    Quality of finish is good although some way adrift of the premium offerings, but the price differential is huge.
    Overall the S500 has provided a comfortable helmet for me and luckily I have not had to test its’ performance in a more extreme situations! If you are on a limited budget, a helmet like the Shark is a sound choice. 


    nice concise review Don, short articles are so difficult to get all the details in.

    I won’t buy a Shark lid until I hear they have significantly improved build quality, I got one when I first had my Speed Triple, found it quite creaky, the visor misted badly and the vents fell off


    nice concise review Don, short articles are so difficult to get all the details in.

    I won’t buy a Shark lid until I hear they have significantly improved build quality, I got one when I first had my Speed Triple, found it quite creaky, the visor misted badly and the vents fell off

    My newAGV bought at the bike show last year has taken over as my main crash helmet with the Shark now relegated to a spare.

    Toying with the idea of buying another lid now, to match the Duke better, although the AGV is pretty good and has the Italian flag on the front!

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