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Europe, Day 2&3. Connantre (France) – Cannobio (Italy) – 450miles
Woke up to cookoos and birds chirping, slept well once I got to sleep. Can’t wait to get some food! So far ridden 350 miles today, I thought I was good to keep going until I got off the bike to eat. I think I am a little overwhelmed by it all, I thought the highlight of today was going to be the French Alps, but sitting here at the moment looking at the Swiss Alps from the bottom of them has just blown me away. The French Alps are like a down/uphill Motogymkhana! Am currently in 2 minds: Try and cross the Alps today so that my clothes get a chance to dry out before Italy or to see if I can get a room here for the night and attack the Alps fresh tomoz. I am almost 300 miles ahead of schedule so may stop here and enjoy a few beers!
….Ok, well hotel fail, had me head off into the Alps, I could see ahead that it was torrential rain and was bracing myself to get very cold and very very wet, then someone built a tunnel pretty much everytime it rained a tunnel appeared except one longer stretch where the heavens opened, I was shivering and soaked until one more tunnel appeared; a 17km tunnel that was 35’C so not only did I completely dry out, I was now too hot!
When I emerged out the other side there was blue skys and the ambient temp was 20’C, a few miles later it was 21 and so it rose to a peak of 28’C just before the Italian border so I am so glad I continued on with the ride. I am now way ahead of schedule with nearly 800 miles covered in just 2 days. I only have 1000 to go and 8 full days riding to do them so tomoz is a day off from riding except around town. Tonight’s campsite is lovely, the owner speaks good English… a LOT lol, there is a bar which will entertain me tonight so cheers! (hic) After a couple I headed over to a recommended pizzaria, fortunately the food and beer is good because my bad Italian (thanks google translator) is getting me very funny looks from the waitress lol
…..OMG, I have just seen the girl I want to marry, looks like P!nk but 10yrs younger with black hair and such a sexy smile!
I have love heart shaped food thing, she should have it but has gone now damn it! I had a lay in and got up around 8am, am glad I robbed some toilet roll from the restaurant! Stopped at the bar/cafe where I saw the woman of my dreams for a double expresso which I drank in the glorious warm sunshine then popped back to my tent to grab some sun lotion and went for a wander. The campsite ownder (Pedro I think his name is) told me there was a market in town which I nearly bought a lovely cotton shirt but it’d get trouncedif I wore it and get relegated to the unwearable pile on my return. After the market I strolled upstream where people were fly fishing and there was a bridge which wobbled lots. My ankle is a little sore with the walking now so have found a bar to have a rest of it, one cappachino and an icecream and my ankle is recovered so I headed back to the campsite. I popped out on Lord Vader for a short while but didn’t go far. Time to chill with a beer at midday, maybe go for another stroll this afternoon, or maybe just have another beer. The site owner speaks 6 languages, kinda puts my one and a bit to shame, I was so embarrassed last night buying the pizza. BUCKET LIST: try and learn at least 2 languages to a level that will stop me feeling like I did last night, French makes sense as is the way into the continent, not sure if Spanish, Italian or Germon should be the other? I think Spanish would be most useful but Italy is so nice, I def want to visit again if this lil place is an accurate dipiction of the rest of Italy? [need a fix of a status update]Such a good idea doing this trip[/need a fix of a status update] I think I may be a little sunburnt, not currently looking pink but got that feeling of the familiar sting on my face, I wish I had my sunglasses, never packed them as didn’t want to break them. 200miles a day is too easy, I hope I get to do this again soon, when I do I think 300 miles a day (with my mentality nd me on my own) is a good pace. Think my lack of want or need to organise visits to places may annoy potential compadres from this style of travel tho! Gatta say this tho – RUKKA… Shmucker, def right choice jeans and jacket; ty Mic
(that pic you posted made that choice for me! “sending out an SOS” is on the radio… no its not its “walking on the moon”. Am so chilled, have not felt this relaxed in so long, I 100% approve of holidays now!
. I wonder if I shared this experience with someone I’d feel the same? I’d love to be able to but the stepping away fom it all is so nice to not need to worry if my choices contradict someone elses. Oh, Pedro is actually called Marco and he is an incredably wise man! I am not used to having this much time to myself…. I guess having someone with me would reduce this time, in a good way as I would be able to do their thing as well as my own, but would I then not be relaxing properly? Stafford, what was it I was not supposed to eat? coz I think I just ate it lol, I feel dirty inside! I had my dinner back at the same place as last night, my Italian still sucked but it was better and the same waitress served me and was surprised I had come back, she chatted to me after my meal too which was nice…. I knew she could speak more English than she portrayed lol. So many happy vibes today, so glad I came on this trip. It is still only early eve, I will pay my bar/campsite bill when I get back so I can head off to Milan as soon as I wake in the morrow…. Milan, Monaco and that road I found await!
TOP f**kING TIMES…. Best thing ever! I am sad I was unable to make it to Australia this break but didn’t know I had a job until this month so could not sort it or justify it without a future pay packet. Love and miss you JimJam! In th mean time; beer, beer then sleep ready for tomorrows new adventures. Marco was away so I found another bar to say goodnight to this part of the adventure, I am glad to an extent as it has let me contemplate this trip so far and how I might do it again. The sun has set one final time on this beautiful part of my trip. I will miss you Canobio