Reply To: GL1100 Goldwing

Home Forums Common parts list GL1100 Goldwing Reply To: GL1100 Goldwing

ac mitchell

About three months ago a neighbour with a 1994 RF900 suzuki asked if i would look at his front discs as he spun the wheel,we found the disc to be warped,before phoning the breaker we went on the net to find out how much they would cost new. we got onto the EBC website and found that the 1200 bandit discs and the RF900 both have the same part number depending on model year/letter,so we knew if a breaker didnt have the RF900 but had the right bandit,and visa versa, bingo we would have a result,sorry to say the breaker nearest to us had neither,so my neighbour ordered them new from EBC,but that proves another common part source, ride safe
