Group riding

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    Ok say you want to lead/be part of a big ride out, there are a few things you need to think about first, a few guidelines to make it as safe and as pleasurable as possible, with no one getting lost,pressured or bored along the way.

    Large group rideouts
    You will probably find a good mixture of experience within the group, it is a good idea that the leader and the tail end charlie are both experienced bikers with experience of group riding if possible. The lead needs to be quick enough so that the faster riders of the group dont get bored and frustrated, but sensible and experienced enough to keep it sane and safe. The tail end charlie needs to be one of the faster riders so that, if something does go wrong that the leader is unaware of cos he/she is round the next bend, tail end charlie can be quick enough to ride on ahead and catch the leader and draw his/her attention to any occuring problems. The lead rider and the tail end charlie should never change during the ride, and everyone needs to be able to recognise and know who they are. You will then need to explain the procedure for making sure no one gets lost or takes a wrong turn, it is inevitable in large group rides that the group will get spread out, a system I have used is the “drop off” system. IE, once a spreadout has occured, the person at the back of the first small group will wait at each turnoff the leading group makes, if the leading group consists of less than 3 riders, it is advisable for the drop off rider to join rejoin the ride as second group takes the turn off, leaving a drop off from the second group to wait for the tail end charlie, this means he/she can catch up with the leading group and there will still be enough riders should another drop off point occur in quick succession to the first. This system does not work with small group rides unless there are few turnoffs widely spaced.

    Small group rides

    If your group is too small for the drop off system to work, it is advisable to stay together, and make sure everyone has some sort of idea of the route, and knows where the group is headed. Again the lead rider and the tail end charlie needs to stay the same throughout and be easily recognisable. It is a good idea to “ride to the rider behind”, IE, if the rider behind you slows right down, it is a good idea for you to drop back, that way, the drop back is filtered up to the lead rider and he/she will then see that there may be a problem occuring.

    For all sizes of group rides it is advisable to work out a few simple signals before moving off, for example; if you think the person behind you wishes to overtake and join the faster riders up front, a kick of the right foot whilst moving slightly left in the lane, but remember that if you are overtaking, it is your responsibility to keep it safe and give the rider in front plenty of time and indication that you wish to make the manouvre.
    Make sure everyone has a full tank of fuel, and if it is to be a long ride, make sure you know who has the shortest tank range and plan the route and stops accordingly.
    Plan a few rest stops between fuel stops if possible as well, remember not everyone has equalling amounts of stamina.

    I am sure there are a few systems knocking about that others have used or are aware of and know they work well, so lets heer them, that way, folks planning a big ride out can see which system they think will work for their ride out.[;)]


    aaaah!!! that sounds like sooo much fun!!!

    I can’t wait to go on my first group ride!!!

    Do you go on group rides a lot Gix? Can I come? :P

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